Gluten-Free Faces
Your Global Gluten Free Social Network
A message to all members of Gluten-Free Faces
There has been some breaking news on Facebook recently that a Colorado chef,
named Damian Cardone, has been purposely adding gluten to dishes that are marked
as gluten-free.
Damian made a post on his personal Facebook page back on March 10th, 2011, that
has just recently been discovered by the gluten-free community. The post reads:
"Gluten free is B***S***!! Flour and bread have been a staple of life for
thousands, THOUSANDS of years. People who claim to be gluten intolorent dont
realize that its all in there disturbed liitle heads. People ask me for gluten
free pasta in my restaurant all the time, I tell em sure, Then I serve serve em
our pasta, Which I make from scratch with high gluten flour. And you know what?
nothing, NOTHING! ever happens! People leave talking about how good they feel
gluten free and guess what, They just had a full dose! Idiots!"
In addition, in a later post, Damain comments, "May god help the Liberal hippie
idiot who's going to ask for gluten free pasta this weekend."
These incredibly uneducated and malicious statements have the gluten-free
community up in arms...and rightfully so!
Damian Cardone has appeared on Regis and Kelly, Project Runway and a few P.B.S
shows. In addition, he has been a personal chef to several celebrities. He
currently resides in Glenwood Springs, CO, and works as a private chef. Also, a
recent update from indicates that he might also work as a
chef at an Italian restaurant called Florindo's in Glendwood Springs, CO.
Jayne Aston recently started a discussion on Gluten-Free Faces about this
terrible tragedy, so feel free to chime in with your thoughts on Damian's angry
assault on the gluten free community.
Click here to join in on the discussion and also see the direct link to Damian's
Facebook post.
Please pass this along to all of your friends and family.
Chad Hines
Your Trusted Gluten-Free Advisor
P.S. Here is a direct link to the Facebook post made by Damian Cardone.
Visit Gluten-Free Faces at:
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